Care-for Strategy
The sustainability Care-For strategy is the roadmap for how to become the leading e-commerce company in the Nordics. As part of this, Boozt has updated its Care-For strategy and goals to ensure they align with the strategic direction of the business and take into account external trends and overall development in society. To cement our efforts across the relevant areas in alignment with our commitment to the ongoing B Corp certification, Boozt's efforts are focused on four dimensions Environment, Employees, Community and Governance. Within each dimension, Boozt is working with goal areas and has set 15 new targets to support the sustainability Care-For strategy.
Goal areas
Boozt has set new targets for its updated Care-For strategy. The targets are reviewed annually to ensure they remain aligned with the strategic direction of the business and take into account external trends and overall development in society.
environmental goals
By identifying, calculating and disclosing our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, in line with the GHG Protocol and working towards reduction aligned with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
By 2024: Set science-based targets and submit them to the Science-based targets initiative
By 2026: Disclose 100% of relevant Scope 3 emissions categories
By calculating, disclosing and reducing all waste streams, and looking for opportunities towards circularity.
By 2026: Increase the share of recycled waste to 80%
By evaluating and sharing best practices with our brand partners to improve social and ecological impacts and applying our learnings to Nordic Brand Hub.
By 2024: Develop a scorecard to assess ESG Performance in purchasing decisions for at least 60% of our partner brands
Social goals
By actively supporting each employee’s equal rights and opportunities within the organisation through initiatives and policies reflecting our company values.
By 2024: Identify opportunites to further support the governmental parental leave policy for all Boozt Fashion AB employees to continue to promote equality
By systematically reviewing our work environment across our organisation to ensure healthy and safe business practices.
By 2024: Reach above 77% of the aggregated participation rate in our internal employee survey.
By 2024: Increase eNPS score to reach the TOP 10 placement in the consumer industry.
By ensuring professional development opportunities for all employees and encouraging a feedback culture that supports employee performance and satisfaction.
By 2023: Implement a regular career development review process that includes all Boozt Fashion AB employees.
community goals
By requesting and displaying more information about our products to help customers make informed decisions according to their values.
By 2024: Extend ReBoozt’s presence across our markets.
By 2026: Provide semi-annual events for our brand partners.
By 2023: Ensure 100% of our apparel brand partners are committed to supply-chain transparency and to working with the Higg BRM tool.
By identifying opportunities to support our local communities in meaningful ways across the Nordic region and beyond.
By 2024: Increase collaboration with relevant universities and research institutions to share and learn best practices.
Governance goals
By disclosing ESG data according to legal requirements, and engaging with external ratings to ensure our stakeholders have regular access to information about our progress.
By 2024: Increase engagement with third-party ESG rankings and ratings.
By ensuring regulatory compliance and assessing the social, environmental and financial risks of our operations and supply chain.
By 2026: Request at least 80% of our brand partners to identify, map and share with us their Tier 1 and 2 suppliers.
By integrating sustainability into business decision-making and sharing knowledge that supports creating environmental and social value, we can ensure business resilience.
By 2026: Increase participation to internal training on Sustainability.