ESG recognitions
ESG recognitions such as rankings and ratings provide organisations with a 'score' based on their ESG maturity or ESG performance. In order to provide the capital markets with broader information, ensuring comparability and transparency on our ESG performance, Boozt participates in several ESG ratings. ESG rankings and ratings help Boozt in identifying reporting gaps and new ESG metrics.
In 2021, Boozt was a first-time responder to the CDP to increase efforts in calculating and monitoring environmental and climate-related impact. In 2022, Boozt followed the investor request and submitted the extended version of the Climate Change questionnaire. Boozt received a B score which is in the Management band. This is the same as the Europe regional average of B, and higher than the Discretionary retail sector average of C. According to CDP, companies that score a B have addressed the environmental impacts of their business and ensured good environmental management. Read more about the CDP score here. The Boozt CDP Climate Change Questionnaire is available here.
Since 2021, Boozt is working with the Nasdaq ESG Data Portal to increase our transparency efforts and share more data with our investor community. The portal provides a central database for investors to access ESG data and performance metrics for Nasdaq-listed companies. With Boozt's contribution to the Nasdaq ESG Portal, the company has been certified as a ‘Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner’.
MSCI ratings are designed to help investors identify ESG risks and opportunities within their portfolio. The MSCI research and rating system ranks companies according to their ESG exposure and their capability to manage that exposure. The ratings range from leader (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC). Boozt is proud to announce that it has received the highest AAA rating in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment in May 2023.
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Boozt scored 25 (out of 100) in the 2022 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. While we aim to increase this score in the future, we have already improved from a score of 12 in 2019 and a score of 20 in 2021. The average score within the industry group for retailing is 18. The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is a leading sustainability assessment that reviews the ESG practices of more than 11,000 companies globally.