nomination committee
Companies applying the Code shall have a nomination committee. According to the Code, the general meeting shall appoint the members of the nomination committee or resolve on procedures for appointing the members. The nomination committee shall, pursuant to the Code, consist of at least three members of which a majority shall be independent in relation to the Company and the Group Management. In addition, at least one member of the nomination committee shall be independent in relation to the largest shareholder in terms of voting rights or group of shareholders who cooperates in terms of the Company’s management.
Nomination committee 2023
The Nomination Committee has been formed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting and has the following composition:
Anders Lund (appointed by BLS Capital Fondsmæglerselskab A/S), Chairman of the Nomination Committee
Joakim Gjersøe (appointed by Ferd AS)
Claus Wiinblad (appointed by ATP)
Henrik Theilbjørn, Chairman of the Board of Boozt AB (publ)
The Nomination Committee submits proposals to the AGM regarding the composition of the Board, remuneration of the Board, election of auditors and auditor fees. Shareholders who would like to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by e-mail: valberedningen@boozt.com or by letter to Boozt AB, Att: Valberedningen, Hyllie Boulevard 35, 215 37, Malmö.
The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal from the Nomination Committee that a Nomination Committee shall be appointed before the coming election and remuneration. The Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2023 shall be composed of representatives of the three largest shareholders listed in the share registry held by Euroclear Sweden as per the end of August 2022, together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, an instruction for the Nomination Committee was adopted.
The member representing the largest shareholder shall be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee, unless the Nomination Committee unanimously appoints someone else. If earlier than three months prior to the annual general meeting, one or more of the shareholders having appointed representatives to the Nomination Committee no longer are among the three largest shareholders, representatives appointed by these shareholders shall resign and the shareholders who then are among the three largest shareholders may appoint their representatives. Should a member resign from the Nomination Committee before its work is completed and the Nomination Committee considers it necessary to replace him or her, such substitute member is to represent the same shareholder, or, if the shareholder is no longer one of the largest shareholders, the largest shareholder in turn. Shareholders who have appointed a representative to be a member of the Nomination Committee shall have the right to dismiss such member and appoint a new representative of the Nomination Committee. Changes to the composition of the Nomination Committee must be announced immediately.
The composition of the Nomination Committee for the annual general meeting shall be announced no later than six months before that meeting.
Remuneration shall not be paid to the members of the Nomination Committee. The Company is to pay any necessary expenses that the Nomination Committee may incur in its work. The term of office for the Nomination Committee ends when the composition of the following Nomination Committee has been announced.