Boozt Code of Conduct
The Boozt Group Code of Conduct stipulates how we communicate, operate and act against each other internally at Boozt but also with regards to external stakeholders of all kinds. The core values for our employees are trust, freedom, and responsibility which determines the basic foundation for everything we do. We should act with mutual respect and confidence with each other. We believe in respect and trust of each other and promote a responsible culture of openness and accountability.
The Boozt Code of Conduct applies to directors, officers, employees and others acting on behalf of the Group.
Our code of conduct covers the following areas:
Social Responsibility
Explains how we support international human rights as written in the UN Declaration and related conventions, how we work to prevent discrimination and harassment, and how we respect freedom association. This further states our non-tolerance of child labour or forced labour within our own operations, and within operations of our partners and vendors.
Business ethics & integrity
Describes how we conduct business in a responsible way, respect confidentiality, abstain from corruption, bribery or money laundering. This includes not accepting gifts from suppliers and how we treat price sensitive information, intellectual property, protection of personal data and associated areas.
Presents how we strive to be an example in our value chain regarding the consideration of environment and nature.
States the governance structure and how we work with risk management and internal control to ensure compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies.
Whistle Blowing
Boozt aims to encourage a transparent and open business environment. We abide by the applicable law and the Code of Conduct that is based on the idea that the Group should operate profitably while maintaining high ethics.
It is of the utmost importance to the Group that all business operations are characterised by the highest possible standards of responsibility, openness and honesty. Any suspicion of fraudulent conduct, corruption or other similar situations that are witnessed must be reported without delay. To allow people to report potential infringements and offences, the Boozt Group has established a whistleblowing channel.
How to report a wrongdoing via the whistleblower channel?
You can report a wrongdoing here:
Website: wb.2secure.se
E-mail: wb@2secure.se
Phone: +46 771 77 99 77
If the report concerns Boozt Fashion AB, use company code kzn307 when making your report,
If the report concerns Boozt Fulfilment & Logistics AB, use company code kzn308 when making the report,
If the report concerns any other company of the Boozt Group, use company code ktn402 when making the report.
Data Protection
The protection of personal data is of the utmost importance to the Boozt Group. We continuously work to increase the sense of security and trust among our customers and employees with regard to how the Group handles their data. The Group Policy on Data Protection outlines the rules and protocols the Group has in place to ensure the safeguarding of personal data of our employees, customers, and other stakeholders. This policy covers a variety of topics, such as data processing principles and our internal accountability framework. The policy reaffirms the Group’s commitment to handling personal data responsibly and securely, outlining the steps we take to do so.